People Forget Manny Ramirez Had The Best Retirement Of All Time

We've been pumping up the Ozzie Guillen episode of Red Line Radio for more than a week now and with good reason, but this story he told kind of flew under the radar, so I wanted to share it with the masses.  

Absolutely fucking hilarious and hit was even better hearing it in person.  It reminds me of the Peter Griffin "done" GIF:

And this story was just one of MANY bangers he told us.  Stories about Bobby Jenks being a buffoon setting off bombs mid game in the bullpen, Mark Buehrle getting drunk, how he tried to get Tadahito Iguchi's translator to tell the team to fuck off in Japanese, and much much more.  Truly one of the great characters in baseball history and it shows in our interview with him.  

It doesn't matter if you're a White Sox fan or not, you'll want to listen to this interview.  A ton of behind the scenes shit from his playing days and days as a manager for both the Sox and Marlins that have never seen the light of day until this interview.  Oh and he told the backstory of this picture:

Spoiler: he made a kid cry because of this picture.  Go listen, part II drops Thursday 

