Apparently Becoming A Chick-fil-A Restaurant Owner Is The Hardest Process In The World

The Hustle - According to Chick-fil-A, 60k people apply to be operators every year — and only ~80 are selected.

With a 0.13% acceptance rate, it’s harder to become a Chick-fil-A franchisee than it is to get into Stanford University (4.8%), get a job at Google (0.23%), or even become a special agent for the Secret Service (1%).


Who knew owning a Chick-fil-A franchise was as desirable as a catching a glimpse of Kerry Hutchins warlocks. 60,000 people try to open up a new Chick-fil-A every year and they only accept around 80. That's a .13% acceptance rate. By comparison 47,451 people applied to Stanford's class of 2022 and they accepted 2,071, an acceptance rate of 4.3%. Shit, the god damn Secret Service, who works to serve and protect the president of the United States, accepts 1% of applicants. But Chick-fil-A is more stringent than that. 

And the process to get a franchise is more complicated than getting into Harvard, buying a house, and filing your taxes combined:

Quincy L.A. Springs IV, a Chick-fil-A Operator in Atlanta, had to complete 10 rounds of interviews, write 12 essays, and provide a copy of his high-school transcript. Once selected, he went through an “extensive, multi-week training program” covering everything from menu education to employment law.

For Pete's sake, he's just trying to give someone waffle fries and a Dr. Pepper, not fly a rocket ship to Saturn. 

But I guess it all pays off if you get a franchise- a couple hundred thousand a year in your pocket, unlimited chicken biscuits, and every Sunday off. A good gig if you can get it, which apparently nobody can. But hey you can always become the head of the Secret Service instead, so that's not the worst alternative.