A Daycare In Florida Wrote "I'm Out Of Diapers" On A Baby's Stomach In Marker To Remind His Mom To Send In More Diapers

I need opinions. Am I right to be furious about this? Or am I over reacting? I really need your opinions guys, because I’m about to barge in this daycare tomorrow morning and have some words.

Everyday when I pick Fin and Milo up from daycare they put a daily report paper in Milos lunch box. It says what mood he was in for the day, what times they changed his diapers, and if he needs diapers or wipes.

I’m a single mom with a full time job and two very young children. SUE ME FOR NOT READING THE REPORT EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I guess yesterday they wrote on his report that he needs diapers, and I failed to see that. Now keep in mind, I see several teachers at drop off and several at pick up, if I failed to see that he needs diapers a simple, “Hey Heather, your son needs diapers maybe you missed the report” would have done the trick. From any of the many teachers there I see daily.

But instead, I change his diaper this afternoon AND SEE THIS WRITTEN ON MY SON WITH MARKER. You can’t even see all of it in the pic.. it says,” Mom I’m out of diapers pls read my report”. I’ve scrubbed it with several baby wipes and it’s not coming off. I had plans to take them to the beach to play, and now I can’t because my son has writing all over him.
In the very worst case scenario, I can’t see anything other than “need diapers” needing to be written. Why a big long message needed to be written across my sons stomach is beyond me.


The best part???? THIS ISNT THE FIRST TIME. They’ve done this several months ago too.

Help. Am I over exaggerating? Give it to me straight people

I am sure there is currently an Internet Dunk Contest taking place on every single social media platform of people posterizing the daycare for doing this. But I will abstain for one very simple reason. I'm a parent and I know how shitty my brain has become ever since I became a father. 

I imagine the pink mass in my head officially devolved into a worthless pile of mushy oatmeal after the first 6 months in my kid's life where the sleep depravation compounds to the point where you will never get that sleep back or become truly normal again and leads to you putting diapers in the refrigerator and milk bottles in dresser drawers because your medulla oblongata is fried. Every person that has had a kid is nodding while reading this with their lifeless eyes as they sip their extra large coffee that doesn't even give their energy reserves a jump start. 

Which is why I understand why this daycare thought that writing on the baby was the only way to get a new batch of diapers into that classroom. You can ask a parent to do something countless times and they will OK you to death before filing it in their brain that is pretty much a deep fried hard drive. There is just as good a chance they will remember to do what you asked as there is they will instantly forget when they turn around because their kids have ruined their brain. All I do when I see the daily daycare reports is check to see how long my kid napped and how many times he pooped so I can get a better idea of how much my night is about to suck. Putting anything else on that sheet is worthless. However, putting a message in a place that every parent sees multiple times a day during the awful moments that are diaper changing time is about as good a way to ask for something and I guarantee that mom sent in a whole bunch of new stinkbags with her kid the next day.

That being said, I would probably kill any person that makes me bathe my kid longer than I have to with my bare hands. So unless you are using the most washable marker ever, don't draw on my fucking kid. But if you want to invent the most washable marker ever, my kid can be your personal whiteboard because there is no way this brain is ever going to be fully functional again. Actually scratch that last part because I think I am going to invent Baby Markers as a new way for overwhelmed daycares and overtired parents to communicate with each other. By writing this on the blog, I have trademarked/copyrighted/patented the idea and anybody that tries to steal it will hear from Mike Portnoy Esq.

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