Good Vibes: Canadian Town Finds Out Kid Needs Hockey Gear & Goes Above & Beyond To Get Him In The Game

Good vibes Sunday all around with this thread... 

This story began on January 13th when Michael Doyle, a stay-at-home dad in Newfoundland, Canada, reached out to Twitter after speaking with a neighbor about a new kid in town: 

And in true Winter-in-Newfoundland fashion, it snowballed from there...

Set them-there politics aside, sip on your coffee or settle in on the toilet (or both at the same time, you doo you), and read a thread by a journalist covering a community that came together to do something awesome, kind (and extremely Canadian) for a 3rd grader named Yaman who's likely been through the ringer:

The local hockey league there has also welcomed Yaman with open arms:

And Canada's National Hockey Team also praised the story for showing the spirit of those who love the game: 

No - I'm not crying on my hand-me-down LaZboy recliner, you're crying on your hand-me-down LaZboy.

If you have old equipment that's still in good shape, here's a couple 501c3 orgs that would be happy to take it off your hands:

Ice Hockey In Harlem

The Goalie Guild Gear Giver Program

Happy Sunday to all. Hope everyone gets fantastic football snacks for the games this afternoon.