Surviving Barstool S4 Ep. 11 | The Pink Wedding - Part IIWATCH NOW

Wake Up With Maybe Cheater (And Maybe Fired Manager????) Carlos Beltran Making A Hell Of A Catch On Tal's Hill
Kind of funny to see Carlos Beltran at the scene of the crime back in Houston. He does make a hell of a catch here on that insane hill down in Houston, basically to save the game. He is in a Mets' uni too, so this really comes full circle. Luke Scott pissed on this ball, but Beltran backtracked and made an unreal catch. Up the hill, falls down, and basically does the Willie Mays catch over his shoulder. Maybe if he was listening for the bangs, he would have known that Luke would have known what pitch was coming and he could have been in better position, just a thought.
All indications are that Beltran will be the next guy fired over the cheating scandal, and wouldn't that be the most Mets thing ever. A potential Hall Of Fame baseball player tabbed as their next manager, and he's gone before he can even get to Spring Training. I guess we wait and see if he's the next domino to fall. Regardless if he was banging on trashcans or not, this was a wild catch.