Who Won This Dating App Battle: Rob Or Brittany?

Rob had his chance at a beautiful female, but instead he went the insult route. Now, the insult route has often worked for males in the past, but it has be to playful. Rob did not accomplish that, but that did not stop him from gloating to Brittany:

The amount of "lol" and "haha's" used indicated one thing: Rob was about to be bodybagged, because his content was not in the same league of Brittany's.

"Your profile says 5'9 but I'm willing to bet money that you're 5'7 in heels."

FINISH HIM!!!!!!!!

I've never seen the "x height in heels" insult before, but Brittany pulled it off to perfection.

My favorite thing that Brittany said was "because women are all evil and terrible and you're just a "nice guy." That was arguably more of death blow than the heels comment. 

I'm not sure what a girl like Brittany is doing on a dating app. I'd say she just wants attention from random guys to feel validated, but I don't want to be roasted into the sun by her.