Next Year's Turkey Bowl Is Only 322 Days Away. Gotta Toughen Up!

For most folks out there, high school sports are the peak of their athletic careers. After that the only thing they have to look forward to are beer leagues and getting dangerously too invested in other recreational games. Like this fella right here? I will bet every single dollar that is in my bank account right now (not much) that he started a group text for his Turkey Bowl football team. And in that group text, I can guarantee you that he's tried to set up practices on multiple occasions, as well as running some plays that he's drawn up by the boys. 

But unfortunately for him, not everyone takes the Turkey Bowl as seriously as he does. Some people show up to the game still drunk from the night before. They think this is just for fun. They don't realize that this is more than just a game, this is your entire life. So instead of cruising to an easy victory on Thanksgiving morning, you're in the middle of a dog fight. You're down by 1 and it's the final play of the game. You thought at this point you'd be able to relax and crack open a beer but no, your teammates have let you down. But you won't allow them to let you down this time because you're taking that ball to the house on your own. Until...

You fumble the ball on the final play and just like that, you've lost the game. Your buddies may not care since this game clearly didn't mean shit to them. But to you? That fumble is going to haunt you for the entire year. That loss makes the food at Thanksgiving taste like shit. There's not enough booze in the world to guzzle down to get over it. You lose sleep. It's the first thing you think about when you wake up. So what do you have to go out there and do?

You train. You train your ass off and when your ass is completely off, you train some more. Never again will you allow that to happen. High and tight. Ball security is the main priority between now and next Thanksgiving. You spend the $10 per month for a Planet Fitness membership and you run at least 0.45 miles on the treadmill every single day with a ball. If you drop the ball, you add an additional 0.05 miles. Your not Superman, you're not gonna be out here crushing 10 miles a day. But a few minutes on a medium speed setting? You can easily do that without having a heart attack. Plus every once in a while they have pizza at Planet Fitness because they'd actually prefer it if you stayed fat. 

But yeah. The spandex, the over-the-ear headphones that are on top of the hood, the ball. Everything about this scene screams that not only did this man let his team down at the Turkey Bowl a couple months ago, but he let himself down as well. And he'll do whatever it takes to make sure that he takes that one to the house next year. 
