Mike McCarthy Admits That He Lied To Jerry Jones In Order To Get The Cowboys Job

Absolutely LOVE it. Mike McCarthy…HE’S JUST LIKE US!

MM: Oh yeah, I TOTALLY watched every single play of the Cowboys in 2019, Jerry

JJ: What’d we do on 3rd and long vs Philly?


Image result for chappelle george bush gif

Too late, the contract is signed, bitch.

Who amongst us hasn’t done this in an interview? Microsoft Excel, you bet your ass I am proficient in that. Self-starter…whatever the fuck that means. Organized…lol. I once said that I was “bilingual” and let the interviewer assume that I spoke Spanish, but the truth is that I just took one year of Latin in school. Everyone lies on their resume/in their interview. Nobody has ever admitted to lying faster than McCarthy. If I were Jerry Jones I would probably fire him on the spot. You know he wants to. He knows that Jason Garrett would never lie to him. They’ve been through too much. Here is some new fat fuck lying his ass off on day one about actually studying the Cowboys and being able to diagnose what went wrong. Which I am sure was…maybe the ENTIRE reason he got hired. Unbelievable move at your introductory presser.

The real point of this blog though…I want to know the most ridiculous thing you ever lied about in an interview or on a resume. Leave it in the comments or hit me up on twitter.