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Woman Spends Three Nights Trapped In Donation Box & Nobody Gave A Shit


According to The Daily Voice, a homeless woman spent three nights trapped inside a donation box in Paterson New Jersey & nobody heard her cries for help….

Imagine being trapped in one of those things for 3 nights, in the winter time, in New Jersey…you think you might make a little noise if you accidentally fell in making a donation? Or if you fell in trying to steal its contents to stay warm?  Regardless of how it happened, you would make a few noises right??  Yea, so would I, a shit ton of noises, so much noise that the cops would be called to that location because it sounded like a man was being butchered to death for hours and hours, just non-stop “Hellos?!?!?!” and “Hey Yous!?!?!?” and finally”Oh God Help Me!!!!”.  Well that’s what happened to one homeless woman in Paterson New Jersey this past Friday night when she “accidentally fell in” and spent 3 long cold nights in that box and NOBODY came to her rescue…..she was just curled up in old shoes and unwashed kids clothing for three nights, and I think everyone that lives in the apartment building where the box was located should be charged with attempted murder!!  No fucking way that not a single soul heard her!!  She was trapped in a metal box, it’s a noisemakers dream scenario, should take less than 30 minutes before someone hears you, but nope, not in Paterson New Jersey, it takes three days!!  Do better Paterson, New Jersey!!

Anyway, she was rescued when someone visiting from out of town finally heard her screams, she had some frostbite, it was the third time this happened to her in two years, maybe she got some good sleep and detoxed the hard way…. such is life.

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Source: Jerry DeMarco, South Passaic Daily Voice