Farrah "Backdoor Teen Mom" Abraham Got Her Ass Injected Again

Yesterday I went on Barstool Radio with Chief, Eddie and Tommy Smokes and we were talking about how Mantis is gonna hopefully definitely not losing his V-card to some catfish girl in Indianapolis over Christmas break, and for whatever reason the conversation shifted to how “horny” I am.  I claim I’m normal horny, as I’m a 31 year old single dude who likes to go out and talk to chicks at bars on weekends aka stand in the corner alone acting like I’m texting somebody.  Eddie claims otherwise and says that I’m basically the horniest dude on earth.  Why does he think that?  I have no idea.  But I do think that there are probably many weirdos who’d see this 4 min and 41 second video of the Backdoor Teen Mom getting shot up with ass implants and IMMEDIATELY open up a private browser to check out her work on www.pornhub.com.  Me?  Didn’t even consider it.  In fact, as soon as I finish this blog I’m going to go make an egg white omelette with spinach, mushrooms, onion, and giardiniera.  In fact, I’m not horny at all.

You lose this round, Eddie.