Happy Holidays, Perverts And Welcome Back To Another Edition Of Pornhub Comments Of The Week

Last week I brought back Pornhub Comments of the Week for a rather special occasion. However, it wasn't a true and proper edition of COTW. But since I'm feeling a little Christmas cheer right now, I figured you all deserve a gift here. Which is why I'm bringing it back for real this time. I probably won't do another one of these for at least a few months since my faith in humanity is totally depleted while sifting through the comment sections to find these. It's a soul sucking process so I need to regenerate before I can even think about the next time.

But with that being said, let's take a look at the best of the best from this week in freaks. 

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I'm not sure if I've ever seen or heard the phrase "Post nut clarity" before. Like I know that we all know exactly what that is, but I'm not entirely positive I've ever seen it given an actual name. Which is why I believe that PNC needs to be the official medical term moving forward. Need to see a psych major write their senior thesis on PNC and it's legitimate effects on the brain. 

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Not sure if this fella over here was watching a pornog, or just got to one of the best scenes from MacGruber. You be the judge. 

Definitely MacGruber. 

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I feel like...I feel like this comment is coming from some personal experience. Everything okay over there, yeeter2o? You wanna talk about it? Because I feel like there's a chance this video may have hit a little too close to home for you. 

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This is exactly what I was talking about earlier when I said this is a soul sucking job. Just slightly aggressive but I guess edgy humor is in these days. 3.5 balls. 

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Popeyes will stop at no cost to win this chicken sandwich war against Chick-Fil-A. Maybe not the greatest marketing tactic of all time but no press is bad press, I suppose. 

I'm still only like 50% sure I know who A$AP Rocky is but I think he needs to retire after this comment on his sex tape. Federal crime! 

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Is this...is this the actual Mr. Peanut? Because from what we've seen from Mr. Peanut in the past, the man is #confirmed very much horny online. 

It wouldn't surprise me to find out that Mr. Peanut is a full blown pervert and has a verified Pornhub account. 

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Holy shit. What an all-time ricochet shot at flip-flop wearing men everywhere. Good lord. And you know what? hgchj54564cvhc is 100% spot on. You want to be successful? Wear a pair of actual shoes like a fucking adult. Still though. Rough scene for anybody out there rocking flops. 

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Okay so admittedly this comment itself isn't anything special. But while we're on the topic of Yoda commenting on porn, has anybody ever stopped to think about what Baby Yoda means? It means that Yoda was probably out there slamming ass and clapping cheeks back in the day. Just sitting up there on the Jedi Council slangin' dick on the regular. The entire galaxy was at war. The senate was falling apart. The separatist were making moves. The Sith came back. Darth Maul. Dooku. All of this was going on and Yoda was just out there making a baby. Horny little bastard.  

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Yo. I need everybody to check out this video once they are no longer at work and in the confines of their own domicile. Because the way this "actress" was handling that onion was APPALLING. I mean I couldn't believe my eyes. It's like she never held a knife in her hands before. And here's the thing--cutting an onion is so goddamn easy. The easiest cut in the world is to julienne an onion. And even if you don't know how to properly dice an onion, you can just julienne the sucker and then dice it from there. It might take you a ridiculous amount of time but you'll still get the job done. This chick was just hacking away. It was borderline criminal what she was doing to this onion. Makes me sick. 

And that'll wrap things up here. Just remember as you head into the holidays that as much as you hate yourself and think you're a garbage human being, at least you didn't create an account on Pornhub just to comment on videos as Mr. Peanut. Your life could always be much worse and don't you ever forget that. Now go out there and stay sexy, my friends. 
