Wake Up With Roger Clemens Embarrassing People In The University of Texas Alumni Game

Could you imagine being an accountant that was a walk on at University Of Texas and showing up to your alumni game and you have to face Roger fucking Clemens? That is a legit piss your pants scenario. This was back in 2012 so he was retired for 5 years already. Maybe he wasn't chucking high 90s like he used to, but you still didn't wanna be a regular Joe stepping up to the plate against The Rocket. This was probably such a thrill for Clemens too. He probably ate this shit up. Absolutely owning a bunch of bums and him getting a standing ovation, nothing better for him. I wonder if he had weird rules put in for this start like he did with the Astros. He still had the breaking ball stuff too, look at him throwing 58 foot pitches and curveballs like it's 1998 again. Love how he ends the inning and the batter thinks he got ahold of it. Can of corn and Rocket is out of the inning.