Ryan Reynolds Made a Cameo In His Own New Movie '6 Underground' Because He Can Do Whatever He Wants

Ryan Reynolds and Michael Bay's new movie 6 Underground just came out on Netflix. I genuinely enjoyed it because I love Reynolds and I love non stop action and I have no logic to my reason. There's really no point to the movie and the plot is blah, but if you can take the seriousness out of it you'll have yourself a good time. 

Anyways, the 4th wall is always something that when broken perfectly can make a movie. Reynolds' Deadpool does this flawlessly in both movies. Robinhood Men in Tights might have the crown. 

But what about filming yourself doing an Instagram video while the movie you're in goes on in the background? A cameo in your own movie? Is that the 5th wall? This Insta video below is during one of the several 20 minute chase scenes in the movie. 

You can actually see him in the distance.

That's awesome. Truly no one took this movie seriously and I love it. They let Michael Bay do a million explosions, 85 car chase scenes, had Reynolds be Reynolds, and let Netflix pay them tons of money. 

No one has it better than Ryan Reynolds. He's perfected life. Blake Lively. Unlimited charm and charisma. Lots of money. Incredible looks. Talent. Goddamit that man is a hero. I wish he was American so he could run for President and solve all of our problems.