It's Time For The NBA To Follow Major League Baseball And Remove All Forms Cannabis From Their Banned Substance List

First the NHL, and now the MLB. In hockey you get tested for cannabis but don't get penalized for it, and now we have baseball coming out and straight up allowing it at all levels. If you had to bet which league would be the next to follow the NHL and make THC/CBD/Cannabis legal and officially off the banned substance list, who the hell would choose Major League Baseball as the one to do it. I would have bet my life Adam Silver and the NBA, a league that is as innovative as it gets, would be the ones to make this change and frankly now that two professional sports leagues are basically saying it's OK, the NBA and NFL have no excuse. Everyone with a brain knows cannabis is 10000x safer than some of the prescription drugs these guys are on and you're naive if you don't think NBA players aren't already smoking so why not just make everything legal. The way cannabis has evolved in today's world it's not like dudes are going to be taking bong rips before games, but who knows maybe some CBD can help them in their recovery, there's creams and all this shit available outside of the flower. Grow up and get with the times.

I know there was the whole Dion Waiters situation where he had an issue after taking some gummies, but at the same time you can't let Dion Waiters be the one that decides how you handle this substance. I mean even David Stern came out last month and said the NBA should reconsider the ban and he was the one that wrote it!

“I think it’s time to take a whole new look at it,” Stern, 77, said in an interview Wednesday with CNBC at the SeventySix Capital Sports Innovation Conference in Philadelphia.

In a wide-ranging conversation, he also touched on China’s rift with the NBA and retired star Tim Duncan’s return to the court as a coach.

Stern said his feelings about marijuana have shifted with the recent surge in medical use of THC and CBD — the two main compounds in cannabis — to treat pain, anxiety and other ailments.

“In many cases in sports,” Stern said, “the opioid crisis begins with players being prescribed pills for their pain, and if there is another substance, whether it be CBD or THC that eases pain, then I’m all for it.”

As weed becomes legal in more and more states, it's only a matter of time. It's such a no brainer decision, again I am shocked that MLB beat the NBA to it. 

Also, you want to improve ratings? Have a feed where former players are getting high and calling/talking about the game. Make it a League Pass option or something. You're telling me people wouldn't tune in to see that? Did I just solve the NBA's rating crisis in about 2.5 seconds? I think I did.