Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Answers Question, "What If A Superhero Movie Was Set In A Mall?"

Looks pretty damn awesome! 1980s? Shopping mall? I'm in.

'Wonder Woman' was, for a while, the only DC Extended Universe (if that is a thing anymore...) movie that was widely praised by both audiences and critics. 'Man of Steel' gets a fair amount of love, but it remains a tad divisive.

Since the first movie came out, much has changed about the DCEU and this movie is more of a "stand-alone" effort than originally intended before the 'Justice League' fiasco...

“[Patty] was just determined that this movie should be the next iteration of Wonder Woman, but not a sequel,” he said. “And she’s definitely delivering on that. It’s a completely different time frame and you’ll get a sense of what Diana-slash-Wonder Woman had been doing in the intervening years. But it’s a completely different story that we’re telling. Even though it’ll have a lot of the same emotional things, a lot of humor, a lot of brave action. [It] tugs at the heart strings as well.”

Offering up a real-world comparison to what he meant about 1984 not being a direct sequel to Wonder Woman, Roven brought up two beloved genre franchises: “It’s a standalone film in the same way that Indiana Jones or [James] Bond films are, instead of one continuous story that requires many installments.” (via SyFy)

This is what 'Wonder Woman 1984' is going to be about...

Diana Prince comes into conflict with the Soviet Union during the Cold War in the 1980s and finds a formidable foe by the name of the Cheetah.

There are a few notes on the cast…

Chris Pine is back as Steve Trevor, which is interesting because…

He big-time died in the last movie. 

Very sweet fanny pack, Trevor.

My guess is that he is brought back to life by Pedro Pascal's (hey, it's Mando!) character Maxwell Lord. The things he says in the trailer gives me big "bring back people from the dead" vibes.

Maxwell Lord is also joined by new character Barbara Ann Minerva, also known as Cheetah, who will be played by Kristen Wiig.

Seeing Kristen Wiig as a comic book movie villain should be pretty interesting (and cool) and I feel as though she is more than up for the task.

Based on pure 80's nostalgia, the look of this film is awesome.

It has some 'Thor: Ragnarok' vibes to it, but Marvel didn't trademark the 1980's, so I don't mean that as a bad thing.

The movie drops on June 5th, 2020. What do you think about the first trailer for 'Wonder Woman 1984'?