The Addison Russell Era Is Officially Over

Maybe I'll have more on this tomorrow but for now it's worth getting out one simple message with respect to this asshole. 


Addison Russell is the biggest waste of talent + piece of shit I've ever had to stomach on the Cubs. I mean that in terms of a combination. Like from the perspective of How Good He Should Be + Him Being An Asshole. His 1-2 combo punch in that regard is unparalleled in baseball. Gifted enough to be an MVP but can't get out of his own way. It's a tale as old as time with the difference here being Addison is good enough to be one of the best shortstops in the world and instead he's looking for a job. 

Again: Good. Fuck him. 

And to be clear, this has more to do with him just being a dogshit baseball player than anything else. Allegations aside. Reputation aside. This is about on-field play, and in that regard nothing boils my blood quite like him missing a sign or waving over a slider and blankly staring into the dugout like it's Williamsport and he's a nervous little pussy. 

So from that view, Yes I am very happy he's no longer a Chicago Cub. The fall from grace was remarkable. Just in 2016 he was hitting series changing homeruns and fucking up the Dodgers and looking like a goddamn snack. Reasonable to think he'd get better from there, right? 


In the 3 full season that followed, he averaged an 80 OPS+ with a .310 OBP over 1,091 plate appearances. The everyday shortstop and face of the infield defense and all that stupid bullshit we told ourselves. 

Well fortunately he's done and we don't have to mull through the pain of his untapped potential. We don't have to second guess our ability to develop decent baseball players and we certainly don't have to duck as he launches his bat into the 3rd base stands for the 2nd time in a week. 

So in that respect Addison Russell could be a huge fucking loser, but we're definitely winners in that he's not a Cub anymore. 

And like I said: thank fucking God.