Adam Scott Telling Australian Fans Not To Cheer For Tiger Woods During The Presidents Cup Is A HUGE Mistake

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GOLF- Tiger Woods will undoubtably be the biggest star at this month’s Presidents Cup, but one of the International team’s top players is telling the home crowd not to encourage Woods, or the rest of the U.S. team, for that matter. In an interview with the Herald Sun, Australian Adam Scott reiterated the importance of a home game. This year’s event is at Royal Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia, and it’s the first time the Presidents Cup has been played in Australia since 2011, which was also at Royal Melbourne. Scott, now 39, was also on that team, which lost to Fred Couples’ U.S. squad (which included Woods) 19-15. “Last time it was too friendly,” Scott told the Herald Sun. “Quite bluntly, we want the home-crowd advantage, and I’ll be disappointed if they are cheering enthusiastically for Tiger or anyone on the U.S. team.”

I got bad news for Adam Scott, people are gonna cheer for Tiger Woods and they’re gonna cheer LOUDLY for Tiger Woods in Australia. Adam Scott telling people not to cheer for Tiger isn’t gonna make people cheer for him less and, quite bluntly, it’ll likely make them cheer for him more. Hate to break it to Mr. Scott but the greatest golfer of all time simply walking around Australia (a place he hasn’t been since 2011) dwarfs any rooting interest people might have in the Presidents Cup. Tiger is a mythical creature who also happens to be real. He’s like Picasso or Mozart except we’re lucky enough to be alive at the same time as him. Nothing Adam Scott says is going to stop people from cheering for a guy like that.

Think about this. Tiger Woods was in Japan a month ago dueling against the hometown guy in Hideki Matsuyama and people were STILL cheering for Tiger. The crowds had every reason to root for Matsuyama but they still were pulling for Tiger every step of the way and why? Because of what I said above, it’s a privilege to be alive at the same time as Tiger Woods. In 300 years humans are gonna be looking back and talking about Tiger Woods and wondering what it was like to be around back then. For us, it’s happening in real time and we get to witness it in person. We’re lucky.

Long story short, people are gonna cheer for Tiger Woods at the Presidents Cup in Australia. It’s happening whether Adam Scott wants it to happen or not.