You're Allowed To Be A Pussy When Multiple Bears Are Trying To Break Into Your Home

2019 and we still have outrageous levels of toxic masculinity floating around. It’s sickening. This man was paralyzed with fear because real live BEARS were attempting to invade his home. I haven’t heard many tales of surprise bears which leads me to believe these two bozos should have known better than to keep a first floor window ajar like this, so there’s certainly plenty of blame to go around. But let me make one thing clear: bears, despite their huggable look, are fucking terrifying. There’s no shame in being frozen in horror as they decide whether or not to break an entering. So while you’ve got your phone out not dialing 9-1-1 or calling for Batman, doing nothing to help the situation, maybe leave this guy alone while he finishes clearing out his bowels. That’s an important step so that he can be light on his feet for when the bears do breach the threshold of the home and he needs to sprint faster than her to safety.