Zahnnie Does Zim Update #2

After a 40+ hour journey, Im home and Zahnnie does Zim is off to the races. It’s been a jampacked two days content wise, and the crazy part is we’ve barely left my house. I threw these guys right into the weeds by taking them to our local street market “ Pa Dust.” My mom needed to mill some grain and she thought it would be a great idea sending us. She wasn’t wrong. To say the people there were shocked and surprised to see two white cats roaming around with a black Zimbabwean midget, is an understatement. We got the grain milled and decided to take a lap around the market with the camera. It didn’t take long till we needed to get the fuck outta there. Donnie hit them with a “Hey how are yah” and they sniffed his American ass out. People swarmed us, began chirpin and asking for money.

On our way home from the market we stopped to pick up a pack of hoons (10 cents) so The Wonton Don could crank Zimbabwes finest.

We got home and found my mom had made my favorite snack for us (chicken gizzards) which quickly rolled into a feast that included rabbit and catfish. She really is bringing out the big guns when it comes to Zimbabwean cuisine.


This morning I took the boys to see my parents 401(k), the Chimedza compound. Real estate is the safest investment and my parents pretty much poured the bulk of their career savings into one project. Full tour will soon come. My parents are looking for a buyer so hit me if you’re interested.


Those of you that fuck with me know that I’m a huge trains guy. It all started as a young lad at my favorite park growing up, Greenwood Park. They have a train at the park that I rode at least once a week till I was 11 years old. On our way back from the park we came across a cricket match, so we took in some action before filming a pizza review.


Tomorrow we hit the road for the next week or so. We are camping in the middle of the bush for two nights then head west to see one of the natural wonders of the world Victoria Falls. Our next stop is in Bulawayo (Zimbabwes second city) where we will visit the Matopos. For the history buffs, Matopos is the grave site of the asshole that started the whole colonization thing, Cecil John Roads. From there we head east to Masvingo, the site of the national ruins. The journey continues north towards the eastern highlands, the area affected by the cyclone we raised money for. Finally, we head back towards Harare with a pit stop at my high school (Peterhouse), hopefully. Once we are back in Harare, we are going to head to my village for a sleepover which will be the most electric part of the trip if you ask me.


We are probably going to be dark till we get to Victoria Falls so ill check in with y’all on Monday. Till then, Pachipamwe