Who IS The Barstool Smokeshow Halloween Contest Winner?
Well, it's tough to say. Technically the contest runs until November 4th at 6:00 PM, but if I had to guess, there's a pretty clear cut winner...IN MY OPINION. Why do you care about my opinion? I don't know. I don't even care about my opinion, but I've been following the contest closely enough to feel invested and turn it into a blog. Alright, are you ready for my pick?...Drum roll please!!
It's Eli Bernard and he's a sailor, get it? You can tell by the hat. Let's take a look at some of his other costumes. Here he is dressed at the dude from The Bachelor...
And here he is as a photographer
And a painter
And a basketball player.
He even has one as a swimmer!!
He has so many costumes I couldn't just pick one. Which is the reason why I chose him in the first place - variety. So congrats to Eli on the W. If you're interested in following him click HERE. Otherwise you can follow the actual Smokeshow contest HERE. Happy Halloween!