Mike Francesa Ignoring A Caller's Question While Looking At His Phone And Answering A Completely Different Question Is Why He's Numbah One

Kings stay Kings and Popes stay Popes! Forget about the catnaps while on air, radio silence for 10+ seconds, or a segment filled with "bleh bleh blehs", "Duh kid from", and random numbers being said. Mike completely ignoring a caller's question while playing with his phone then answering his own is Da Spawts Pope at the peak of his powers. Mike probably has done this before considering he has filled roughly 8 billion hours of radio by himself. The only differences were he was probably circling hawses in the newspaper with a pen and there wasn't a full-time Twitter account watching his every move. 

Regardless, that video is the epitome of Mike being Mike and doing exactly what he wants on his show. In fact, I hope Mike steers into this power move and continues to listen to callers' questions and just go on a rant about something completely different. I mean he even made Portnoy, a fellow titan in the industry, wait months for an appearance on One Bite and refused to call it anything but the Pizza Challenge despite it being a smashing internet success. You know why? Because he's Numbah One and you're not. God bless da GOAT.