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Florida State's AD Says He Wouldn't Try and Hire Urban Meyer, Even If Their Coach Was Hit By A Bus Tomorrow

It seems safe to believe that Florida State has no interest in pursuing the services of former Florida and Ohio State coach Urban Meyer if the team parts ways with Willie Taggart.

Florida State athletic director David Coburn made quite the, uh, impassioned statement when he was asked about Meyer by the Tallahassee Democrat in an interview Tuesday.

"If Coach were hit by a bus tomorrow, we would not target Coach Meyer, period."


Look, there's only two jobs in America that Urban Meyer couldn't have by supper time today if he wanted: Alabama and Clemson. And that's not a knock on all the other fine young coaches moving up the ranks in the profession, but Saban, Dabo, and Urban are just on a whole different level. Texas would fire Tommy Herman in a heartbeat. Notre Dame would part ways with Brian Kelly. And even Michigan would work out an exit strategy with Jim Harbaugh. So to think that FLORIDA STATE wouldn't be interested in the services of Coach Meyer is flat out laughable.

Every Athletic Director and their mother can act all big and bad right now during the season, but when your school has an opening, and Urban Meyer is sitting in the Fox Sports studio, there's no doubt that if he even has an ounce of interest, you're firing up the private jet. Wouldn't even give him a call? Give me a break.

In the last three years, Florida State has been 7-6, 5-7, and is now 3-4. Urban Meyer just finished a measly 83-9 stretch at Ohio State. After a miserable 65-15 run at Florida. Before that, he had a meager 22-2 tenure at Utah. Oh, and at little old Bowling Green, he still went 17-6. The dude WINS.

Could you imagine Urban Meyer in the weak ACC? It'd be more of a blood bath than it was when he went 54-4 in the rugged Big Ten. I know Dabo is great and everything, but the rest of that conference is cheeks. Urban would be guaranteed 11-1 MINIMUM every single year. Wouldn't even give him a call though!

To say you wouldn't target Urban Meyer "even if Willie Taggart were hit by a bus tomorrow" is perhaps the most preposterous thing I've heard in my time on the internet. I say we put it to the test. We need a Florida State student to go all Regina George down there and push Willie Taggart in front of a bus. Or maybe they could just grab him and jump in front of one together. I heard you get free tuition if you get hit by a campus bus. And maybe you'll get Urban Meyer out of it, too.