According To Howard Eskin, Alshon Jeffery Is The Anonymous Source In The Eagles Locker Room. Water Is Wet, Sky Is Blue

Philadelphia Eagles v Minnesota Vikings

Howard Eskin was on the WIP Morning Show today and when Angelo Cataldi brought up the anonymous sources talking to Josina Anderson during the week, Howard stopped him and said that you can take the “anonymous” away and that it’s just a source now, and he knows who it is.

“Yeah why not? Alshon Jeffery. The thing is, here’s why he’s foolish and stupid–he knows that she’s not out to have his back. And the problem is…she’ll bait a guy and then the guy gets trapped into saying things. And it’s just foolish. It’s just foolish and stupid. We all understand it’s not productive”. 

A lot of people have already just assumed it was Alshon considering he has a history of speaking with Josina Anderson. And when that report came out last January about Carson Wentz being “egotistical”, Alshon Jefferey’s silence was deafening. He didn’t say or do a single thing to come to the defense of his quarterback. Alshon Jeffery is WR1 on this team, his quarterback’s entire character was put into question, and Alshon couldn’t even be bothered to fire off a little tweet to have his back. I think it’s pretty clear that Alshon is not a huge Carson guy and if what Howard Eskin said is true, well then it turns out that Alshon might legitimately hate Wentz. Which is shocking considering how smooth and successful this season has been so far for the Eagles…

Now like I said, that all depends on whether or not what Howard Eskins is reporting here is true. Josina Anderson would like you to believe that it’s not but…well…Eskin came out on the radio and said point blank that the source was Alshon Jeffery. He didn’t leave a single question about it. And this is all Josina Anderson could come up with for a denial/response?

She didn’t deny anything. Alshon got named point blank and she couldn’t say he was wrong. I would almost believe the report from Eskin less if Josina Anderson just didn’t say anything at all. At least at that point I could just say to myself that I don’t trust Eskin and that he’s just talking out of his ass. But when that is the response? Yikes. Now I have no other choice to believe it.

It just sucks, man. Because at this point, I don’t even really care about the anonymous source anymore. Well, I mean I care about it but that’s like the 5th thing on my list of “reasons why the Eagles are a complete fucking disgrace” list right now. I am way more pissed off at the fact that guys are showing up late to practices and meetings. And if I had to guess, I would probably say that Alshon is one of those guys who isn’t showing up on time. But this team is spiraling out of control and unless they all just lock each other in a room on Tuesday and have a giant fist fight, I don’t see how they move on from this. Beat the shit out of each other, get all of that frustration out of the system, and then focus on trying to salvage this shit. That’s literally the only thing that will save this team. And since Nelson Agholor is too afraid to even attempt to catch a ball, I can’t see him being too into the idea of having a battle royale in the locker room.

Nothing like completely destroying your will to live. Gotta love being an Eagles fan.
