Congratulations To The "Scumbag Hollywood Types" For Making Me Laugh As Tom Brady Fans Cry

Question: Why are Tom Brady fans upset that Tom Brady might actually be a little bit funny because he had a fantastic cameo on Living With Yourself?

Never in my life have I heard a group of whinier people than Tom Brady STANS. I mean, good God, Jerry Thornton & Co., it was fucking hilarious! People are out here breaking down something simple and fun like a conspiracy theory.

“Character assassination, shameless stunts, the director is a Jets fan!”


According to Jerry,

Four years ago, he (Brady) gets asked to make a cameo in this Paul Rudd vehicle, “Living With Yourself.” To the amazement of the creator and writer Timothy Greenberg, he agrees. He shows up on his own, giving up his own free time, to shoot a one-off gag where he’s walking out of a cloning center:

So the producers decide to turn that cloning center into a vaguely Orchids of Asia Day Spa-looking place in a strip mall. Which makes less than zero sense in the story, but does a hell of a job of drumming up attention for a D-level Netflix project that would otherwise be overlooked.

First of all, that’s sort of insinuating that Brady shot the scene four years ago, before all this day spa stuff happened. That’s not the case.

It was written 4 years ago but Brady did the scene after the spa news came out. He even alludes to his 6 rings in the shot. It’s a huge leap to assume Brady didn’t know what was going to be in the scene. He’s a pretty savvy guy who’s been in this rodeo for a hot minute. Give the guy a little credit…

From Refinery 29, which breaks down the real back story to all this pretty well:

….once he had written Brady into the script, executive producer Jeff Stern reached out to the football star’s agent and his publicist. Brady was interested, but it was football season. “So, we were waiting and waiting and waiting for the Patriots to finish their run and then, sure enough, they won again,” Greenberg, a “long-suffering” Jets fans, says of the Patriots 2019 Super Bowl win.

During this waiting period, news also broke that had them convinced they were going to lose Brady. In 2018, Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged with soliciting a sex worker at a day spa in a strip mall “that looked almost exactly like what we were shooting. Like, I would have used it as a reference photo,” Greenberg admits. “So we’re like, ‘Alright, this is clearly not going to happen now.”

In the end, it did. After the Patriots won, Greenberg, Rudd, and the crew headed up to Boston to shoot the cameo in a parking lot. “Paul and I were talking football with him for a good hour,” Greenberg says. “It was really super cool and again, I’m a Jets fan so I had mixed feelings, but he’s also the greatest quarterback of all time.”

Greenberg still doesn’t know why the GOAT agreed to do his show and he’s fine with never knowing. “I’m writing something else now that’s about somebody getting trapped in a world where suddenly things are going too well and this was like that,” Greenberg says about getting Brady. “Like, really, something is wrong here. This can’t be real.”

To say that a central location in the script & a huge part of the show’s already-quirky plot was adjusted to perform a character assassination on Tom Brady is BONKERS to me. I think these writers know what’s funny (the show is fantastic) as it was written before all that spa news, but was made even funnier after… but a cruel attempt to drum up drama & attention? No, it’s just funny.

So yes, Brady did know but holy shit… actually still had a sense of humor?? This is what you guys are crying about? Today Brady said it was all being ‘taken out of context’ but he didn’t say he was ‘duped’.

I was cooped up in bed for a solid 24 hours with some type of wonderful NYC bug yesterday & that scene made me laugh out loud – like a solid belly laugh – for the first time all day. If anything, a scene that makes Tom Brady seem human & funny & not like a forced-smile-football-robot is a good thing for him. I loved it.

Anyone who is genuinely upset with Brady & coming at him for doing the scene is 100,000,000% lame, and anyone who’s digging super deep to “exonerate him” by finding wacky hidden agendas by “scumbag Hollywood types” is just reallllllllly stretching.

If this whole scenario had been based around any other team, I’m pretty sure Jerry would have been laughing right along.