Turns Out There's a Perfectly Reasonable, Non-TugRule Related Explanation for Tom Brady's Cameo in the Paul Rudd Movie

Source – Warning: Mild spoilers for Living With Yourself are ahead.

Tom Brady only spends a few seconds onscreen in Netflix’s Living With Yourself, but it took four and a half years, two Super Bowl wins, and a sex scandal to get him there.

Living With Yourself starts with a down in the dumps Miles (Paul Rudd) deciding he needs an upgrade. With his home and work lives in total disarray, Miles takes his newly revitalized office nemesis’ suggestion and heads to a magical spa where $50,000 is supposed to help him become the best possible version of himself. When Miles pulls up to the Top Happy Spa he begins to question his decision. But before Miles can talk himself out of it, Brady — the Tom Brady — walks out of the strip mall spa looking as if he’s been reborn. “First time?” the Patriots quarterback asks Miles with a big smile. “Uh-huh,” a shocked Miles says. “You?” As Brady gets into his SUV, he gives a mischievous grin before revealing a secret. “Six.”

Creator and writer Timothy Greenberg’s original draft of the Paul Rudd vs. Paul Rudd comedy about cloning gone wrong didn’t actually include the Brady scene. It wasn’t until he spoke with Charlie Kaufman, the writer of Eternal Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, early on in the process of making the show, that he got the idea to have Brady poke fun at his incredible genes. 

“We were talking about why Miles would do this, why would he agree to hand over $50,000,” Greenberg tells Refinery29 over the phone. “[Kaufman] had the idea, ‘Maybe he sees these sports stars on the wall.'” … 

Greenberg still doesn’t know why the GOAT agreed to do his show and he’s fine with never knowing. … Somehow, like Brady, that joke he wrote four and a half years ago has only gotten better with time. “When I wrote the script, I was like, ‘Here’s a guy that seems ageless and he’s still performing so well because he’s 37 years old and he just won his fourth Super Bowl,'” Greenberg says. “Four years later, the guy is now 41 and he’s won six Super Bowls. He just won another Super Bowl!” 

Well OK then. There ya go. It’s all perfectly innocent. All you conspiracy theorists out there jumping to conclusions that Brady was taking a shot at Mr. Kraft because the place in the strip mall he’s coming out of looks vaguely like Orchids of Asia?


Guess again.

All you anti-Patriots foil hat wearers who claim Brady’s mad at the Krafts and wants to embarrass them? Sorry. You’re barking up the wrong tree there, mister.

This is all perfectly innocent. Just a wacky Netflix comedy about a guy wanting to clone himself so he goes to a place where the most genetically perfect specimen in the human race deposits his seed for cloning. No Asian masseuses. No hand jibbers. No happy endings. The scene could just as easily been shot outside a medical building or a place that looks like the Guyer Institute where Peyton Manning got his HGH‘s wife got her unspecified treatment he won’t talk about because it’s private. If Timothy Greenberg had chosen a different location, no one would be connecting the dots between “Living With Yourself” and The TugRule incident.

For the record, just because we’re talking about it, since Mr. Kraft’s happy ending, the Patriots are 8-0 and have outscored their opponents 240-82 for a Point Differential of +158.

But the more important point is, there’s nothing to see here.