The Catholic Church Is Entering The 21st Century With "Smart" Rosary Beads


(source)–This is a smart rosary where your prayers can be tracked by an app accompanying your smartphone through the device. It activates itself when the user makes the sign of the cross. According to the press release, “When activated, the user has the possibility to choose either to pray the standard rosary, a contemplative Rosary and different kinds of thematic rosaries that will be updated every year. Once the prayer begins, the smart rosary shows the user’s progression throughout the different mysteries and keeps track of each rosary completed.”

I am a Catholic. The type of Catholic that goes to mass when my mom is around because while I don’t practice regularly there is plenty of residual guilt to drive me to Church. It’s a weird time to be a Catholic with the “Cool Pope”. Ever since that poof of white smoke came out of the Vatican in 2013, the tried and true Catholic traditions have gone up in flames. Somethings have been great. “Homosexual tendencies are not a sin”…good step. Dogs can go to heaven…amazing news. There’s talk of letting priests have sex with women and get married and stuff. Modernizing the Church to save it. And now…”smart rosary beads”.

“Once the prayer begins, the smart rosary shows the user’s progression throughout the different mysteries and keeps track of each rosary completed.”

So stupid. Major misstep by the Catholic Church. They shouldn’t be using technology to keep track of prayers. That defeats their message. Their message for 2000 years has been that their prayers are being tracked. Tracked by the Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit. A team of prayer watchdogs monitoring your every move. A technology that the Catholics even license to Santa Claus starting in October every year. It’s big business. You bring technology into it and now all of a sudden your prayers are going to drop. You need guilt combined with human error combined with the unknown to make people pray. If people can pull up their phone and see that they’ve reached their quota for petitions to the Almighty then prayers will drop. That is a fact.

They missed out on the tech boom. They needed to partner with Facebook, Bezos, and Apple. Put listening devices in people’s homes then send them signs of “miracles” based on what they said alone in their own homes. Get their mystique back by hearing confessions through an Alexa or a “Mary” and control the minds of people without them knowing. That’s how you grow the Church in the 21st Century. Good ole fashioned deception. Like they’ve always done.