Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher, October 17, 2019


Reader email No. 1: Jerry,

The following came to me in a group chat. Please see as attached.

I greatly admire your work and believe we may be looking at a first ballot hall of famer here.

Reader email No. 2: Jerry,

Long time reader, first time emailer. Thought you should take a look at this absolutely wild story out of South Africa involving a dime of a teacher, multiple students and now videos

South Africa
An explicit video of a nude woman on a bed has been loaded on to a well-known, free pornographic website citing the name of Fiona Viotti, 30, the Bishops Diocesan College water polo coach who resigned last week amid allegations of a sexual affair with a matric pupil.

Various explicit videos and pictures of a woman many claim to be Viotti have been doing the rounds on social media and WhatsApp since the story broke last week. News24 has not been able to independently verify whether the woman in the visual material is indeed Viotti. …

No crime was being investigated as the pupil in question was not underaged.

According to IOL, Viotti was allegedly involved in a sexual relationship with an 18-year-old matric pupil at the Rondebosch school in Cape Town.

Weekend Argus reported that the pupil had tried to break off the relationship. According to a source, Viotti reportedly sent threatening WhatsApp messages to the learner.

William Booth, Viotti’s attorney, reportedly said on Wednesday that he would be taking steps to have the video removed from the website as it was posted without Viotti’s permission.

According to Netwerk24, the video had been viewed 4 500 times by Wednesday afternoon.

News24 earlier reported that more pupils have been “affected over a number of years” by the alleged “serious misconduct” of Viotti.

“We have confirmed that there have been several boys who have been affected over a number of years,” school principal Guy Pearson said in a statement on Tuesday. …

The school has also made psychologists, employed by the Bishops Support Unit, as well as external clinical psychologists and psychiatrists available to any boy or family member that may have been affected by the events.

Viotti is the daughter of Dave Mallett, who is a history teacher at the school and coaches the first rugby team and the granddaughter of Anthony Mallett, the school’s headmaster from 1964 to 1982, Sunday Times reported.

Viotti, who married long-term boyfriend Pavo Viotti in September last year, was reportedly a water polo star as a teenager and was one of the “Beauties of Sport” featured in Sports Illustrated magazine in 2009. The couple has reportedly separated.

I’m not one to complain about my job. Though at times, it can be trying. Life as a blogger is not all fame, glory, adulation, free meals and beautiful women shamelessly attempting to seduce you. Not matter how often that’s my reality.

Take today for instance. We have had massive, widespread power outages in my area due to a Nor’easter that came through in the middle of the night. Our schools are closed. There are traffic lights that have been out all day. I’m operating at home with my portable generator hooked up to the bare essentials like the fridge and sump pump. And as we speak, I’m writing to you from a local library that miraculously has heat, electricity and WiFi.

And why do I do it? For readers like these two emailers. Because somewhere out there is a kid who’s never gotten a Sex Scandal Teacher graded, and I don’t want to let that kid down. That’s why I’m here in a public library like a homeless person. For those guys. And for you. Blogger. Comic. Published author. Grader of SSTs. Hero??? It’s not my place to use that word. That’s for you to decide.

The Grades:
Looks: What more needs to be said? Fiona is a future Hall of Famer on her looks grade alone. I just wish I could find a way to share the mirror selfie that Emailer No. 1 sent me. She truly is one of the best ever to achieve GtNSST immortality.
Grade: A

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: We do not support posting Pornhub videos against the will of the any of the parties involved. Nor do we approve of Sex Scandal Teachers sending threats over WhatsApp, which is supposed to be a sanctuaryd where educators go to arrange hookups with their students behind their husbands’ backs. Besides that, this story checks all the boxes. Several students involved over a number of years. She’s a third-generation legacy at the school. Rugby and water polo. And a former “Beauties of Sport” from Sports Illustrated, which is ironic since that same publication has clapped at Barstool for featuring smokeshows. Plus porn? There’s enough here for 10 SST stories.
Grade: A

Intangibles: So while in America we’ve got celebrities paying to have their spoiled kids photoshopped into fake water polo matches, in South Africa they have rockets like Fiona Viotta banging the actual water polo players they actually coach. No wonder they’re so good at the sport. Also, she puts the “head” into “Headmaster’s granddaughter.
Grade: B+

Overall: A-. See you in December, Fiona. An absolute, iron clad, mortal lock to make the 2019 All Star team. If I ever get my power turned back on.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.