SAY WHAT AGAIN!!! Pulp Fiction Turns 25 Years Old

I’d be remiss not to give a quick shoutout to Pulp Fiction today.  A few months back Rear Admiral broke down the definitive list of Quentin Tarantino’s best films and rightfully had Pulp Fiction at the top of the list.  You can read that blog here.  He admits that it’s kind of a cliche choice to pick for Tarantino’s best film… but it’s cliche because it’s the right answer.  Obviously Django, Jackie Brown, Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill, etc. were all great in their own right but Pulp Fiction is A1.  The pinnacle.  The top of the food chain.

Which leads me to my next point: Pulp Fiction came out in 1994, and 1994 is arguably the best year in movie history. BANGER AFTER BANGER. You can almost list an entire top 10 movies from 1994 and there’d maybe be an argument for #10 to be #1.  That’s how good the movie scene was that year.  And I’m not even talking about movies that had Oscar worthy acting, deep plots or any of that shit.  One of the best, most quotable comedies ever was released in 1994.

Of course I’m talking about Dumb and Dumber

You can’t go a single day reading a blog on Barstool without seeing “OUR PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF” in one context or another.  Dumb and Dumber obviously didn’t set out to win any best picture awards, but it should have regardless.  One of the great comedies of all time.  Fucking hilarious from start to finish.

Pulp Fiction

Again, Pulp Fiction might be the best of all the great movies in 1994.  Loaded cast, deep plot, great sound track, better acting.  I don’t give a shit that it’s cliche, but it’s Tarantino’s best work IMO

True Lies

What an AWESOME fucking movie.  Don’t give a shit that it’s a lot of cheap thrills and explosions.  This movie fucks and nobody is telling me otherwise.

Forrest Gump

AJ Pierzynski told me Forrest Gump was the fictional version of Hawk Harrelson.  Just happened to be present at some of the most important moments in history.  I believe him yo.  For instance in his autobiography he picked up “girls” aka hookers in LA with Frank Sinatra.  The more ya know.  Oh, and Forrest Gump’s sound track might be the best of all time.

PS – Jenny is a hoe.  Fuck her

Shawshank Redemption

The term “shawshanked” exists for a reason, because Shawshank might be the most re-watchable movie ever.  If Shawshank is on you drop everything you’re doing and you watch it.  That’s just how it goes.  In HS I was watching it at a buddy’s house on a Friday night and another buddy threw a firework in my car.  The car then started on fire and exploded.  Whole Wheaton IL fire department was on the scene.  True story.  That doesn’t have much to do with anything other than I was Shawshanked that night.


Keanu sucks at acting but this movie is incredible.
The Lion King

Maybe Disney’s finest work and Nala is a fucking smoke show.  Loves the pipe

Now there are like 5 other movies that I didn’t even include.  The Mask, The Pagemaster (love that movie don’t talk shit), Little Giants, Ace Ventura and a few other movies all dominate too.  But Pulp Fiction takes the crown.  Incredible movie.