URI Professor Kyle Kusz Basically Says Tom Brady is Only Popular Because of White Supremacy, Donald Trump, White Slot Receivers And Hanging Out With Rich Successful White People Like Myself At The Kentucky Derby


(Do these look like the Faces of 2 University of Michigan Grads who have become so successful at life that the lunatics and haters of which there are many try to tear them down for being successful white men?)

College Fix – Tom Brady has gained popularity due to the ‘latest wave of white rage and white supremacy’ that he says developed since the Obama presidency alongside a ‘disturbing racial reaction among white conservatives in response to the idea that a black man would be [president].’” Kusz hones in on Brady’s media appearances, such as a 2015 commercial for Under Armour, arguing the style of the ad “would not seem out of place in Leni Reifenstahl’s infamous Nazi propaganda film, ‘Triumph des willens.’”

Campus Reform:  – Professor told Campus Reform “I decided to research Trump and Brady’s public performances of their white masculinities and how they connect with broader debates about race and gender politics. Kusz also took issue in the chapter with a Beautyrest mattress commercial in which the camera angle is pointed upward at Brady so that the “viewer is compelled to see him as superior,” as well as Brady’s partnership with “upscale companies” like UGG and Aston Martin. “In each of these sites, Brady is figured as an unconflicted and unapologetic embodiment of upper-class white exceptionality and manly omnipotence.”

Besides his issues with Brady’s endorsement deals, Kusz pointed out that Brady usually maintains friendships with mostly white people off the field citing his trips to the Kentucky Derby, calling the quarterback “a wealthy, white man who unapologetically enjoys, and has even made a habit out of, spending time with other wealthy white men who treasure time ‘with the boys’ over all others.”

First question. Has any human ever been more upset that they were born a white man than Kyle Kusz? Maybe our boy Mike Rapoport, but that’s it.  Anyway I wasn’t even going to mention this article because it’s so insane that it’s beneath me to even acknowledge it, but then I decided it would be a good way to repost the pictures of the time Tom Brady let me wear his hat at the Kentucky Derby so I said what the hell.  So thank you Kyle Kusz for being a lunatic.


Listen maybe 5 years ago this article would have surprised me but not anymore. People have lost their god damn minds. It’s chaos out in the streets. And college campuses have become ground zero for the insanity. You have bananaland professors spewing nonsense to the masses and passing it off as education. Guys like Kyle Kusz whose entire lives have been spent in a bubble and who are so detached from reality that they wouldn’t know reality if it slapped them in the face are suddenly trying to act as the moral authority on life.

I mean just in the span of one week we had a Dean at Penn State attack Barstool Sports for liking sports and now this. Articles like these are so crazy it’s not even worth providing counterpoints to his theories. There is no need to mention that Brady’s rise in popularity is directly linked to him becoming the best Qb of all time. That he has become so popular because he has as many Super Bowl rings as any other franchise has total in the history of the NFL.   And I certainly don’t have to mention that Brady is 29-3 in Buffalo and has more wins than any Buffalo QB has this century. I also don’t have to mention that tons of white people DESPISE Tom for the same exact reason I love him.


(Love you Bills Mafia)

Because only a brain dead moron wouldn’t understand all these facts, but that is exactly who we are dealing with here.  Seriously “guys” (airquotes) like Kyle Kusz belong in prison or at the very least in an insane asylum nevermind actually lecturing other human beings about his theories.   He points to how Brady’s commercials remind him of Nazi propaganda well his propaganda and theories are no less insane.  The fact that he is a “professor” and is paid to teach kids is by far the scariest part of this article.  He should be publicly shamed from this day forward.  Sad day for URI indeed.