"We Was Catching 'Em, Unlike Agholor" - Philly Man Who Saved A Bunch Of Children Being Thrown From A Burning Building

What a disgrace that Eagles game was yesterday. When Doug Pederson said “this is our new norm” at the Eagles Super Bowl parade a couple of Februaries ago, I guess he was talking about following up a loss by losing to the goddamn Detroit Lions. Which actually makes more sense now that I think about it. But yeah, the Eagles just look like a really bad football team right now. And I understand that injuries are destroying this team and that they’ve got a bunch of second-stringers out there. That’s not an excuse though. The coaches can’t coach. The players can’t execute. Is Fletcher Cox even in the league anymore? And can these goddamn cowardly receivers get a set of hands just one time for me. Apparently not because the Eagles receivers were so horrific yesterday that immediately after saving a bunch of babies that were being thrown out of the window of a burning building, we’ve got folks taking the opportunity to clown on guys like Nelson Agholor. And I’m sure he would have clowned on JJ Arcega-Whiteside, too, if his name wasn’t go damn frustrating to pronounce.

Buddy,,,,,,,come the fuck on. I get that it’s easy for me to say “you have to make that catch” as I’m sitting at my desk typing away behind a computer screen. But either JJ Arcega-Whiteside needs to be better at catching or the Philadelphia Eagles need to be better at drafting. Probably both. And the thing is that this city has one of the most aggressive love-hate relationships with Nelson Agholor. Every game you can go from saying that he’s your favorite Eagle on the team to being the guy you hate the most on the roster, and back and forth and back and forth. So again, JJ Arcega-Whiteside should just be thankful that his name is a mouthful to pronounce or else he would have gotten blasted in this soundbite as well.

I don’t know, man. This team is just as frustrating as it gets. And the most frustrating part about them is that I’m about 95% confident they still find a way to win in Green Bay on Thursday. Somehow they’ll manage to get up for that game but they can’t get up and execute at home coming off of a loss. The season isn’t over and I know they’ll be a completely different team once Alshon and Desean are back out there. But in the meantime, they’re not an easy team to love. So shoutout to this hero for calling out these bums and proving that there are at least some people in this city who can make a big time catch when the pressure is on.

Sidenote: Maybe the Eagles just need to start running the decapitation play more often.
