It Is Obvious That Aliens Are Real And They're Pussies

Today was supposed to be the day that normal(weirdo) human citizens stormed Area 51 to discover where the government has been keep all them aliens. Nobody showed up and that’s fine because they didn’t need to because the Navy confirmed that the UFO footage that was leaked was real. Safe to assume that all the alien shit recently was real. The Podesta emails about zero point energy…real

aliens podesta

Radio signals to Earth from all over the Universe…real

alien blog 1

That Harvard scientist who said that there maybe an alien spaceship around us right now…real

aliens harvard

Jose Canseco telling us that the aliens have been trying to teach us how to time travel for years…real

aliens canseco

Like enough already. We get it. You exist. You’re real. Stop pussyfooting around and just show yourselves. Aliens have been doing pre-scout work for what? 50 years? 100 years? 10,000 years? 100 million years? What is the god damn hold up, aliens. Too scared to play a road game? Anyone can abduct some half-wit moron from rural America. Come down here and play a road game already. Talk to us. Tell us you’re deal because quite honestly this driveby act is getting a little old. They’re basically you’re girlfriend who does the deep sigh and you ask what’s wrong and she replies “….nothing…”. Either deal with us or not. Blow us up or not. And if they really are dealing with the “ruling elite” or governments around the world then they really are pussies. Oh you’re going to travel a bazillion light years across the vastness of space and when you get here you’re just going to ring the door bell and ask to speak to a manager? That’s fucking lame. Deal with the real people. The aliens basically just loitering at this point. Shit or get off the solar system