Turns Out James Comey's Staff Has Been Covering Up The Identity Of DB Cooper For Almost 40 Years

DB cooper

If you are not familiar with the DB Cooper Conspiracy 1) how dare you, Eddie and I talked about it last week on Dogwalk and you can get caught up here

Not even like 72 hours later and news breaks that…James Comey and his people have been covering up evidence on this case for decades. I know, Comey being shady, I can’t believe it.

(source)–The newly released files also reveal that Rackstraw had told his sister, Linda Loduca, he was working for a real estate firm in Los Angeles upon his return to the States.

In one previously classified paper, the investigating officer writes: ‘Rackstraw has been suggested as a suspect in this matter because he resembles the artist’s composite … and because of his military background particularly his paratrooper training.

‘He appears to be fully capable of successfully affecting the NORJAK hijacking.

Now Colbert is naming at least four of former FBI director James Comey’s senior executives who, he claims, knew Rackstraw was the infamous Cooper but were involved in a scheme to cover it up.  

A cover up? By the FBI? Why?

The FBI senior executives allegedly canceled a 2016 meeting to accept the independent team’s forensic materials, that included DNA, and ‘discretely shipped off the Cooper file to a locked archive’. 

‘Then the senior agents – including Fuentes – proceeded to down-play, hide and lie about the ”tremendous” Rackstraw evidence in the national media,’ the report claims. 

Colbert says Jim Reese, one of the investigation team’s 13 retired FBI agents, summarized it best: ‘Rule #1 was you don’t embarrass the Bureau. This door-slam was politics, pure and simple.’ 

Just because they didn’t want to be embarassed, allegedly. How’d they keep it under wraps for so long though?

Colbert names three separate instances where national news networks abruptly pulled stories that presented his research before they aired.  

 The first, he claims, came in September 2016 when a Good Morning America reporter phoned Colbert for an interview on the Cooper case. 

Manipulation of the media…

It’s fucking INSANE that these details in aB cold case popped up through the Hilary Clinton email investigation, but here we are. DB Cooper is Bob Rackshaw and the only reason it isn’t 100% confirmed is because the FBI doesn’t want to look bad. Shameful