Mat Barzal Throwing Some Major Shade At John Tavares On The Elliotte Friedman Podcast

“I don’t want to be some loser like John Tavares who makes the playoffs two times in his whole career”–Mat Barzal, pretty much.

This league, amiright?

The NHL needs more of this. More people talking shit. More rivalries. More blood feuds. And what makes it even better is that if it goes too far…just fucking throw down on the ice because it’s legal. Everyone always says the right thing. Barzal probably said the right things publicly last year about Tavares when he left, but you know he was fucking salty and still is. He dropped this quote today and then went out of his way to be a dick to Tavares on the ice last year:

That’s about 7 cross checks in 4 seconds, but yeah they’re totally cool. I love this out of Barzal. I am a HUGE grudge guy. I’ll hold on to grudges for so long that I can’t remember how they started. Barzal probably will too. He probably looks at Tavares and sees the guy who might have made a difference for the Isles on their way to Cup last year. You add a guy like Tavares to the Barry Trotz Islanders and maybe that’s enough. “Why’d you wanna play hockey? I wanted to win a Stanley Cup Championship. That pansy over there skips town and takes the ring off my finger. How’d you feel?”—Mat Barzal. 

Barzal looking to be that dude for the Islanders. The guy Tavares wouldn’t or couldn’t be