Observations From Barstool HQ- Sep. 10th

My second week has started and it’s off to a good start. I had my first blog published on the site and I’m feeling good about it. With it being my second week, I figured I’d write about what I see a little more often. This is going to be a daily thing, almost like a personal journal of everything I see or hear at Barstool Sports HQ.

So let’s get into it.

-KB continues to be… odd

For the past week or so, I’ve gotten to work everyday at 10 am and sat in the same seat on the same couch. I come in to the office today to see KB sitting in said seat, crushing both a monster and a five hour energy.

I’m not sure if this was an attempt to alpha me since people have been calling me KB 2.0, I guess time will tell.

-Dave has a lot of pictures of himself

I stepped into his office to learn how to post a blog and the room is filled with pictures of Dave Portnoy. I’m not gonna lie, I was pretty rattled. It’s such a power move to just have a thousand pictures of yourself (mostly sent in by fans) eyeing up whoever comes into your office.

I wish I had people that sent pictures of me to me. That’s the dream.

-I wonder if people think I’m a weirdo

So sitting on the couches means I have a pretty good overview on the whole office, I can see a lot of things. So whenever someone walks by, my eyes naturally peek up at whoever it is. I wonder if people think I’m just staring at them or not.

It’s not like I’m documenting what they do or anything…

-Coley had on a gorgeous jumpsuit

The Mickman was as the kids say “drippin” today with his jumpsuit, it was a nice blend of blues. It was kind’ve ruined when he put a black crewneck over top of it. Still a nice jumpsuit nonetheless.

He always dresses to impress. Also I think it was his birthday today so HBD Coley Mick.

-Brandon Walker is getting tired of the desk-less

The entire recently-hired crew does not have desks yet so in the meantime we’ve set up camp on the couches in the lounge area. Brandon Walker – along with others – is growing increasingly upset that there isn’t enough space for him to lounge.

I can’t tell if he’s actually mad or he’s just trying to make me feel uncomfortable. I can’t take him seriously most of the time.

-Carrabis is mad about his outfit criticism

From what I understand, Dave was making fun of Jared’s outfits leading into today. Today Jared tried to flex on everyone with his outfit to no avail, he only made it worse on himself because now everyone will look at his outfits with a microscope.

Who would’ve guessed the guy who calls himself “Rocket” would be self conscious.

-Rundown appearance

I made my debut on the rundown today to address desk-gate along with my band of desk-less brothers. Turns out that other people besides Brandon Walker aren’t happy about the couch situation.

Guess this means I’ll be getting a desk soon since it’s become such an issue. Everything coming up Milhouse!

-Encounter with Nate

As I was about to walk into Dave’s office, Barstool’s “spider monkey” got into a bit of a staring match with me. I clearly won as he was the first to say “Hey man”, I quickly responded with a simple “sup”.

I don’t know about Nate, something seems off with him. He kind’ve gives me the heebie jeebies.

Well another day in the books here at Barstool HQ, I’ll be back here tomorrow with more observations.