'Trading Spouses' Is The Most Underrated Episode Of Chappelle's Show Ever

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I know Chappelle has been in the news a lot lately, but I started rewatching season one of Chappelle’s Show last night because my roommates refuse to get cable, and it’s always a shock to the system once you haven’t seen it for a while. None of the episodes that aired in 2003 would ever be on TV today unless they were heavily edited. I mean look at the names of the sketches…

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Third World Girls Gone Wild, Blackzilla, Diarrhea Choir, Racist Hollywood Animals. They were all hilarious, but the one that got me the most was ‘Trading Spouses.’ Something about Leonard T Washington absolutely kills me. I had to get up from the couch with tears in my eyes and do a lap around the apartment to get myself to stop laughing. Telling the mom he just met he ‘doesn’t smell dinner cooking’ and her son to ‘watch Martin Lawrence’ is all time. So is Todd slipping his dick through the pajama hole. All of it is fantastic. I know season one was filled with great episodes, but this one may be the most underrated. Put headphones on if you’re at work. Enjoy.