Indian Fella DOES NOT Enjoy Paragliding Which Results In An All-Time Video

When I stumbled across this video, I couldn’t stop laughing. The pain. The suffering. The agony on his face was just too delicious. I ate up his cry for help like a nice shepherd’s pie on a cold winter’s day.

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Nothing is better than when the dude guided the ship starts getting fucking PISSED and kicks the other guy’s legs.

“Move your legs up or they will break when we land”

*guy who hasnt moved his legs up one inch*

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This is honest to god me every time I’m in a small regional plane.

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Plea after plea to bring his legs up and all he can muster is this poor excuse.

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To that, the flier delivers a devastating string of two sentences.

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That’s gotta sting when you land. No one likes to have their manhood questioned AND be called an idiot. This guy is a mother fucker. I know it. You know it. The flier knows it and even the man himself knows it after they land.

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I dont get whats so hard about paragliding. I went flying in San Fransico when Kate and I went last year. It was easy.