Eddy Pineiro Is Our Guy

pineiroThe conversation is over.

The long offseason of lining up 8 kickers to hit a 43 yarder, the drama of a Robbie Gould reunion, and hounding the news for an update on kickers across the league has ended.

Eddy Pineiro is our guy whether you like it or not and we have to be ready to embrace that.

With the little success we’ve had so far I’ve kind of noticed a trend where Chicago is almost getting too big for its britches. People calling for Trey Burton’s head. People shitting on Jordan Howard as he was walking out the door, amongst other things. It really does remind me of some* aspects of Cubs fans where now that they’ve had their taste of success people think that they know everything and no longer have any patience.

Pineiro is going to miss kicks. Every kicker does. It may even happen on Thursday against the Packers, which will fucking suck, but my point is that I hope we’re better than cutting this guys head off the first time he misses. I hope that everybody gives him an honest shot because we need him and he deserves it. I have alot of faith in our front office and coaching staff and this is who they landed on. If it ends up not working out then we’ll reassess and call for a bold move.

But for now, just remember that he didn’t double doink in a playoff game. Cody Parkey did.

And Eddy Pineiro shouldn’t be punished for that.

Bear Down.

(*PLEASE read that some in italics as there are certainly many reasons to criticize the Cubs, but you should hopefully know what I’m trying to say)