Game Of Thrones Creator George RR Martin's Uptown Apartment Is For Sale For A Cool $355,000

George RR Martin apartment

(Curbed)–Before the legendary author George R.R. Martin put a pen to paper, he lived in Uptown with five roommates in a three-bedroom apartment.

The third-floor unit at 932 Margate Terrace 3W is listed for $354,900, according to listing agent Michael Samm of Keller Williams Realty Chicago-O’Hare.

After graduating from Northwestern University, Martin and a “rotating cast” of roommates lived at the residence between 1971 to 1975, according to the author’s website. A bed was put in the dining room and another on the back enclosed porch. Each paid just $150 in rent.

Maybe I am just not as big of a Game Of Thrones fan as the rest of the planet, but I didn’t know that George RR Martin lived in Chicago. Northwestern and then this Uptown apartment for four years is significant. He probably has a Cubs hat and a beef spot and everything. Big time Chicago roots in the 1970s. His place…looks pretty sweet

Martin apt 1

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martin apt 5

Spacious bedrooms, high ceilings, a good size kitchen, that classic Chicago crown molding, and bomb ass outdoor space. That place is a STEAL at under $400k. The kicker here, though, is that Martin lived here in the 1970s so it was definitely shittier AND…he had 4 roommates. FOUR!. Five people sharing a three bedroom in 1972 Uptown…fuck THAT. Two shitters in the house but one of them belongs to this guy



thumbs down

This got me to thinking though…if you were going to share this place with 4 characters from Game Of Thrones who would you pick? The first choice has got to be Tyrian. Doesn’t take up a lot of space, he’s smart, reliable, generally good company. The only issue with him is that you’d have to keep your booze out of reach otherwise it’s just gone. Jamie Lannister would be a good pick. You’d have to deal with his sister always wanting to crash, but they’d probably just stay in the bedroom the entire time so that’s cool. Gotta have Jon Snow in the mix. Make one guy responsible for paying the utilities, dealing with the landlord, collecting the rent from all the roommates. That is 100% going to be Snow. He’d take all the burdens off of the house. When you have five people in the house, you probably don’t want all of them to be dudes. The place would decay into a disgusting pile of dirty dishes and a constant lingering smell of farts unless you add a girl. It has to be the right girl though. A girl hot enough that nobody wants to be disgusting around. A girl so hot that you know you don’t actually have a chance of hooking up with, but maybe she will bring over her friends. A girl who doesn’t cause any ripples, but can crack the whip when she needs to. The only choice…