I'm Pretty Sure You'd Get Your Ass Kicked If You Wore This Hat To The Staples Center

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photo credit to Reddit user u/AhmadMCFC

I’m sorry, what the shit is this? I mean I get the whole “Battle of LA” idea, but I’m pretty sure this is blasphemy in the eyes of LA fans, it doesn’t matter if it”s the fanbase of the best team in LA or the Lakers. You rock this bad boy to the Staples Center you’re going to get your ass beat. I can only imagine how many new basketball fans there are going to be in LA now that both teams loaded up who don’t have an allegiance and are just a fan of “LA” Fuuuuuuuck that. You have to pick a side when it comes to sports, and I can’t imagine there’s anyone who roots for either team that would be caught dead wearing this thing.

Well, now that I think about it, this may be the perfect option for Clipper Darrell. Nobody has flip flopped more than this guy

But other than him, no sensible person would rock this lid. I was curious if maybe this was just my anti-LA bias showing so I asked an internet buddy of mine who is a die hard Laker fan that I met on the plane to Summer League a few years ago

This would be like someone rocking a Knicks/Nets hat. It’s so preposterous to even consider pulling a move like this. I know most people in LA don’t really give a shit about sports and just go to Staples Center to be seen, but I pray for anyone who decides to rock this thing on opening night when things get started with LAL/LAC. That’s a death wish if I’ve ever seen one.