Andy Dick Got Knocked Out By One Of The Most Vicious Punches I've Ever Seen Over The Weekend

Oh. My. God. Oh my god! I was not ready for that punch to be as vicious as it was. There’s regular knock out punches that are a dime a dozen on the internet and then there’s knockout punches like that one where the person should be charged with attempted murder. I mean the guy flat out WALLOPED Andy Dick into a different universe. I double checked and triple checked to make sure Andy Dick was still alive and for it to be okay to blog because MY GOODNESS. I let out a primal and uncontrollable yelp the first time I watched the video, a yelp reserved for when you may or may not have just watched a person die. An article I read said that Andy Dick was out for a full 15 minutes and then taken to the ICU to check if he had bleeding on his brain. Holy fuck.

Is it weird that the one thing I think of when I think of Andy Dick is his tiny role in Road Trip?

What a great movie.