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Mia Khalifa Says She Made $12,000 In Porn...Total.

NY POSTEx-porn star Mia Khalifa got the Twitterverse talking on Monday night after she claimed in a tweet that she only made “a TOTAL of around $12,000” in the adult entertainment industry.

“People think I’m racking in millions from porn,” tweeted the 26-year-old. “I made a TOTAL of around $12,000 in the industry and never saw a penny again after that.”

Good morning, it’s Tuesday, August 13th, and this is today’s “The More You Know”:

“It was difficult finding a normal job after quitting porn.” 

Here’s something else I know – Mia Khalifa managed to find the single worst manager in the history of the occupation of managing.  Or maybe she just did it all on her own, which would make more sense.  Because despite not being an expert on the industry or the economy, I am certain that being the #2 searched porn star in the world – THREE YEARS after quitting porn – is worth more than twelve thousand dollars.  I mean Mia is on my featured page like 6 of the 7 or 8 times I log on a day.  She’s syndicated like Seinfeld and Friends.  Nobody worked out any residuals?

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Mia burst on the scene no pun intended in 2014 with her now world (in)famous “Mia Khalifa Is Cumming For Dinner” – the hijab one.  The one that got her on ISIS hit lists (as we learned from Osama’s cave raid, those terrorists are horny little fuckers.)  Getting a fatwa on your first official fuck tape is the kind of PR porn star’s kill for and it shot her straight into the stratosphere. Experts have studied for years what exactly it is about Khalifa that made her so ultra popular despite only doing porn for 3 months – her Arab origins, immigration issues, colonial pornography desires – but it was ultimately decided by Vice:

Industry observers agree, [it] may simply come down to Khalifa’s large breasts.

Whatever it is, there’s no denying that Mia Khalifa is one of the most famous porn stars of all time, despite her limited and mediocre-to-below-mediocre body of work.  Which is why it’s so shocking to hear she only made Gay Pat’s annual salary for her entire career.

Don’t cry for her argentina though – she’s rolling in the dough now that she has parlayed getting banged out on camera into a full blown career as a “social media personality” and “DC sports pundit” and “professional troll/shamer of athletes.”

I’m still praying for Swag Kelly.

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Might be time for the Better Business Bureau to take a peek at porn.