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Apparently The Knicks Were Considering Bringing Back Carmelo Anthony If They Had Signed Two Superstars This Summer

Well I hope Kyrie Irving is happy on whatever plane of existence he is currently living on for choosing the Nets over the Knicks for both himself and Kevin Durant. Because not only did he and Kevin Durant tip the scales of New York basketball for the near future, but they pretty much ended Carmelo Anthony’s career as well. What a bunch of selfish players only out for their own interests. And I’m not even talking about taking money out of Carmelo’s wallet but also joy out of fans’ lives. Can you imagine all the Melo Stans on #KnicksTwitter rising from the dead like the White Walkers and ignoring all the basketball we see with our eyes by quoting outrageous stats whiel we laughed at them? And if you thought the I’m Coming Home video that MSG played for a guy the entire world considers a face of Baltimore was preposterous, just wait until they made the 2nd I’m Coming Home video for Melo, because as we all know, #OnceAKnickAlwaysAKnick.

But of course, the real tragedy is that we may never see another #STAYME7O tweet in orange and blue ever again, which is the real tragedy of it all. Superstars and championships come and go. However movements like #STAYME7O are one of the things that are bigger than basketball and we will probably never see it on a basketball court again because even the greatest version of #ME7O appears to be #done.

And to think the Knicks were only one superstar short of making #RETURNME7O happen, because they did sign one superstar this summer.

Admittedly, Julius Randle may not be a superstar in basketball. At least not yet. But he clearly could be a superduperstar in boxing, wrestling, MMA, and those Strong Man contests where they throw kegs and pull tractors that The Mountain always wins tomorrow if he wanted to.