Girl Gets SMOKED In The Face With A Bird While Riding A Rollercoaster

Source - One way to make a roller coaster more exciting is to have birds fly directly at the passengers during the ride.

Footage uploaded to Facebook shows a young girl in Australia being struck in the face by a bird in the middle of the thrill ride. According to the post, the girl’s very amused family members couldn’t help but buy the hilarious footage as a souvenir.

In her post, she claims that the young girl, named Paige, was riding the DC Rivals Hypercoaster at the Warner Brothers Movie World park in Queensland. Paige apparently was riding with her uncle when the incident occurred.

“Paige just got hit by an ibis while riding front seat on the DC rival hypercoaster with Uncle Mitch,” Ormiston wrote. “She had feathers on her and a beak scratch on her right shoulder. She’s completely shocked, a little bruised but ok. Not sure about the bird? How can you not buy that video?”

According to the Movie World website, the DC Rivals Hypercoaster is the “tallest, longest and fastest ride in the Southern Hemisphere.” It features an 89-degree drop and has what it describes as the “world’s first non-inverted loops.”

This is why I don’t ride rollercoasters. It’s not because I’m scared, it’s not because I was emotionally scarred after being turned away from Superman at Six Flags in the eighth grade for being too tall- it’s none of that. I don’t even remember what the five-foot two, one-hundred-and-ten pound Spanish lady with green eyes who turned me down looks like. And I definitely don’t remember feeling humiliated as I walk-of-shamed my gangly ass back to the concession stand to wait for my friends.  All I know is that I’ve seen videos like these and the risk of injury by bird  is reason enough to never ride a rollercoaster. That thing wasn’t small either. It looked more like a seagull.

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It probably felt like getting hit in the face with a basketball.

The worst part for her is that she had to sit through the rest of the ride and pretend not to be humiliated. At least the video didn’t end up on the internet for millions of people to see. Come to think of it, I’ve never quite understood roller coaster people. They’re kind of  like horse people but not as passionate. I don’t know. Whatever. Thoughts and prayers to the bird during this time. Hopefully he’s okay.

Ps: Never forget.