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Grand Champion Lamb Under Investigation For Performance Enhancing Drugs. Is Nothing Sacred Anymore

Lamb grazing on green grass meadow

Fox News – An award-winning lamb is currently under investigation and may be stripped of its title after veterinarians at the Logan County Fair in Ohio found illegal drugs in its system.

Performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) have transcended from sport to livestock, as the grand champion lamb was giving a performance-enhancing diuretic, which is banned from competition because it makes the animal’s muscles feel leaner…The grand champion lamb was reportedly showed by a young 4-H member between July 7-13 when it tested positive for the illegal drugs. 4-H is a network of youth organizations created to engage the development of young people and is administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

Well shit. It’s only Monday and my week is already ruined. Might have ruined my entire year, actually. Because back in my day, these lambs used to compete for the love of the game. These lambs had heart and they had dedication. They knew what it meant to work their ass off to be the best in the world. Those lambs weren’t looking for an easy way out. Those lambs weren’t looking to turn to illegal drugs to gain an advantage over the competition.

It’s just sad to see some of the greatest lambs in the world now have their reputations be tarnished all because they were looking to take a shortcut. And it’s a shame because it just sets a precedent for the next generation of lambs to come. These lambs look up to the grand champions as idols. So when they see a lamb like this replace work ethic with PEDs, they think that’s acceptable behavior. And I guess it’s just the nature of the beast, really. Once one lamb starts to take PEDs, the next lamb starts to take them to keep up, and then so on and so on. So I’m not blaming this one lamb in particular. But something with the game needs to change and it needs to change quickly, because this is simply getting out of hand.

P.S. – Did I read that article correctly? Was some little kid shooting up this lamb with PEDs? Might want to keep an eye on that kid in 20 or so years when he or she becomes a parent to an actual human being. Don’t get me wrong, I love the competitive nature there. But if they’re shooting up lambs with PEDs now, I can’t even imagine what they’ll be doing with a kid of their own playing sports.