Sturgill Simpson Describes His Coming Album As "futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, samurai film"...What?

“We went in without any preconceived notions and came out with a really sleazy, steamy rock n roll record. It’s definitely my most psychedelic,” Sturgill said. “And also my heaviest. I had this idea that it’d be really cool to animate some of these songs, and we ended up with a futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, samurai film.”–Sturgill Simpson

Uhhh….a futuristic, dystopian, post-apocalyptic, samurai film…

Anyone who loves Sturgill knows he’s a bit out there. Having said that, this quote is one of the more relatable things he’s ever said. I think he got put on the spot at Comic Con and just started saying words. Just saying words that would play to that audience, maybe. We have all been there. Meeting the girlfriend’s parents, job interviews, dates, etc. You get in situations where you have to describe yourself or your product and you just start rattling off buzz words. Self-starter, innovative, goal-oriented, insatiable, merciless, jack hammer. You black out and just say things hoping that the person across from you is kind of just going through the motions too and then boom you stand up, shake hands, and the interview is over. I am sure this album is weird, but maybe not sleezy heavy and steamy dystopian weird.

And there is definitely a film attached to this album. That wasn’t a slip. It’ll be distributed by Netflix.

Maybe it’s just the level of weird that Tyler Childers is currently doing because he has released two music videos ahead of his 8/3 album release and they both are designed to make you feel like you’re on drugs