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Mahershala Ali Throwing On A 'BLADE' Hat To Announce His Casting At Comic Con Was An All Time Moment

You know how every now and then, there’s just a tremendously great back-and-forth playoff game, and everybody tweets, “Imagine not watching sports?”

This is what one of those moments looks like for nerds. Imagine not loving THIS shit?!*

Kevin Feige went out on that Hall H stage this weekend to announce Marvel’s Phase 4 plans – some of which were already announced, some of which were rumored, some of which were complete surprises – and at the end of the panel, he casually dropped the bombs that ‘Black Panther 2′, ‘Captain Marvel 2′, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3′, ‘Fantastic Four’, and “mutants” were all on the way, and THEEEEENNNNNNNNN whipped his cock and balls out, placed them on the table for everyone to see, and brought out Mahershala Ali to announce that he’s fucking BLADE. Oh, and the best part? This wasn’t rumored at all. Not even in the slightest. Feige even makes a point to say that, as if to brag about it, which he should be doing! Nobody had any fucking idea that Blade COULD even join the MCU, and here we are. Our guy Kazeem put it best…

God bless the MCU. Imagine not being a nerd?!

Clem and I actually did an entire episode of My Mom’s Basement on Comic Con and all of Marvel’s Phase 4 announcements today, so if you’re interested in that sorta thing, check it out!

*Don’t get your panties in a bunch folks, I’m not calling for a war on sports here. I watch sports. Just making a little comparison.