This Cornhole Shot Is One Of The Most Incredible Athletic Feats Of Our Generation

Tiger Woods is the Daymon Dennis of golf. Tom Brady is the Daymon Dennis of football. Jeff Bezos is the Daymon Dennis of delivering online orders anywhere in the world in 2 days. Simply put–Daymon Dennis is an absolute legend.

Now the shot itself was obviously nasty. One of the most incredible athletic feats of our generation for sure. But what makes the shot even more absurd is how nonchalantly he called the shot. My man dropped the “you want me to try to knock that off or not?” so matter-of-factly it was as if he was manning the grill at a BBQ and asking someone if they wanted cheese on their burger. And then proceeded to just drill that shit right in his face like a stone cold killer.

You might think you’re pretty nice as tossin’ around the old bags on the beach or in the backyard. But shots like this one right here are the reason why these guys are playing indoors in front of a crowd and you’re not.

P.S. – Hopefully with a few more highlights like this, we get a Documentary Now episode about Cornhole soon. Suck my sack.
