Public Service Announcement - British Airways Somehow Doesn't Have Wifi Yet On Their Airplanes


So as everybody knows I was in London the last few days. I flew back yesterday on British Airways. It’s a 7 hour flight from London to NYC. Well the plane takes off and after a few minutes I keep checking for when the WIFI kicks in. 5 minutes go by. 10 minutes go by. 20 minutes go by. I ask the flight attendant if something is wrong and he comes back 2 minutes later and says nothing is wrong but the plane just doesn’t come equipped with wifi. I must have looked like I just saw a ghost. What do you mean British Airways doesn’t have wifi? What century is this? I thought it was a mistake or a practical joke, but it’s not.

Umm what the fuck? How the hell can a 7 hour flight in the middle of the week from London to NYC not have wifi? How does any business person or human travel on British Airways? It may be the most preposterous thing I’ve ever heard. Every single plane in the world nowadays has wifi. Fucking Spirit Airlines has wifi. How does British Airways not have it? It’s Bananland. I’m not saying this to complain I’m just giving people a heads up. If you have to fly to London and you don’t feel like going back to the stone age I’d probably pick a different airline.