Valedictorian RIPS Administration During Graduation Speech, Calls Out Teachers For Being Drunk And Counselors For Screwing Her Out Of Scholarships

Source - A California valedictorian took to the podium and slammed a teacher for being ‘regularly intoxicated’  and her counselor for leaving her to ‘fend for herself’ during her graduation speech.

Nataly Buhr, a senior at San Ysidro High School in San Diego, opened her speech thanking the school, her parents, and a few teachers for being ‘invested in the students’ education and well being’ on Thursday June 6. 

But then her address took a sharp turn when she called out the school’s administrators and teachers for being negligent and failing to do their jobs.

Fuck. Yes. Nataly. Every one of these stories is about someone almost going rogue on graduation day and she did it. Props to her. How no one ripped the mic out of her hand or at the very least cut the power is beyond me. Some highlights:

‘To the teacher that was regularly intoxicated during class this year, thank you for using yourself to teach these students about the dangers of alcoholism. Being escorted out of school left a lasting impression,’ she said.

Love it. I also had a drunk teacher in high school (he’s dead now), but it was a blessing in disguise. Not because we learned about the dangers of alcoholism like Nataly, but because he was so shit faced all the time that we could go into his computer and change our grades. At the time it was hilarious, now- not so much.

She also ripped her counselor and the administration. Which is completely understandable considering how little guidance high school guidance counselors actually give. They’re essentially teachers who aren’t held accountable for their students’ success. If you fired every guidance counselor across America right now, it would make zero difference in the educational future of our youth.

‘To my counselor, thank you for letting me fend for myself – you were always unavailable to my parents and I despite appointments,’ she said. ;You expressed to me your joy in having one of your students be valedictorian when you had absolutely no role in my achievements,’ she added. 

‘To the staff in the office, thank you for teaching me how to be resourceful. Your negligence to inform me of several scholarships until the day before they were due potentially caused me to miss out on thousands of dollars,’ she said. 

I just wish she had gone harder. Made it personal. Started calling people out by name. Mr. Chin, Ms Thistle, that short health teacher whose name I forget, blah blah blah. At least she ended it on a good note though. You don’t want anyone other than the people you’re shitting on to hate you. If I had graduated with more than a 2.0 GPA I would’ve done the same thing. Best of luck to Nataly. I’m sure wherever she goes she’s going to have a blast.