John Cena Says He's Gotten an 'Accidental Boner' While Wrestling Because 'It's What the Body Does'

Pause. I am not one to judge accidental boners…..on boys going through puberty between the ages of 12 and 16. Shit happens….it can happen whether you’re watching Miss Davis from Varsity Blues or whether you’re eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. But at some point don’t we stop getting accidental boners? Accidental, John?

I’ll be the first to admit that if were wrestling with the WWE Divas, I’d go from six to midnight very quickly. But John Cena is like the badass of wrestling that beats up all these grown men. And there’s nothing wrong with getting boners when rolling around with dudes, but….that’s just not the John Cena I thought I knew. But I don’t want to come off as judgemental or anything, so I’ll just provide you guys with some pictures and let you come up with your own verdict on John Cena.

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Interesting. That is my official take on this story: interesting. And too much information. But I definitely now see why he wears jean shorts when he wrestles. Keep doing you, John.